August 28 – August 30 2025

Latest News
IJIO Research Summary – First-party selling and self-preferencing
Regulators on both sides of the Atlantic are conducting investigations into the practice of self-preferencing by digital platforms, particularly Amazon and Google. Self-preferencing occurs when a platform prioritizes its own first-party offerings over those of third parties in terms of [...]
2025 EARIE EXTRAORDINARY General Assembly
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the EARIE EXTRAORDINARY General Assembly, called in October 2024, has to be recalled. A reminder of the meeting is below: EARIE has to update its statutes to comply with the Belgian Code on Companies and Associations [...]
The EARIE - CEPR 2nd joint VIOS workshop will be held on Wednesday, November 20 at 15:00 CET and given by Chiara Farronato on her paper Vertical Integration and Consumer Choice: Evidence from a Field Experiment (joint with Andrey Fradkin and Alexander [...]

About Us
The European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), a non-profit international scientific association, was founded in 1974 under the auspices of the International Institute of Management (IIM), following an initiative undertaken by the industrial economist, Frederic M. Scherer, and his then junior colleague, Jürgen Müller. The aim of the Association is to provide a professional society for academics and practitioners engaged in the field of Industrial Economics.