Market Power: Empirical Framework and Tools
Jan De Loecker (KU Leuven)
Valencia, Spain
August 26– 28

Application to the EARIE Summer School is open to any Ph.D. student, or any researcher who defended their thesis in the past 3 years.

There are no fees for participants.

EARIE membership is not required for applications, but it is encouraged.

Summer School Committee – Claire Chambolle (Chair), David Byrne,

To apply, please fill the following form and upload the documents indicated below:

You need to add the following documents (in pdf format) to complete your registration correctly:

  • Curriculum vitae.*
  • A short motivation letter (one page max).*
  • If you would like to present your work, a working paper or extended abstract (optional).

We also require, as a mandatory part of the application process, a short reference letter from the doctoral supervisor, head of the Ph.D. program, head of the department, or someone in a similar post testifying to the applicant's current position and that s/he is working on related topics. The letter must be sent by the author of the letter of reference to info@earie.org before the deadline close of March 17. Please ask the sender to write your name in the subject of the email.

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Deadlines for Summer School 2025

17 March 2025, end of day (CET)
Application deadline

14 April 2025
Notification of acceptance to applicants
Registration open

12 May 2025
Deadline for registration

9 June 2025
Deadline for submission of final papers to be presented

30 June 2025
Final programme released