EARIE General Assembly, Thursday, June 20, 2024
You are invited to attend the EARIE General Assembly, which will take place virtually at 12:00 CEST on Thursday, June 20, The meeting will be virtual (by ZOOM). The link to the meeting is here. The General Assembly is being called to approve the 2023 balance [...]
IJIO Research Summary – Overlapping Ownership and Input Prices
In many markets, we see that firms own shares in each other, or that investors own shares in multiple firms. These practices – which are called overlapping ownership arrangements (OOAs) – are found for example among airlines, banks, car producers, electric power companies, and supermarkets. [...]
The Review of Industrial Organization Special Issue
The Review of Industrial Organization is planning a special issue to mark the 250th anniversary of the publication of The Wealth of Nations. If you have a paper on one of the important IO-related themes of the book such as collusion or the division of the labor that you [...]
IJIO Research Summary – Bridging the digital divide in the US
The internet plays a central role in Americans’ lives and the world’s economy. As a result, many governments have prioritized policies to increase access to broadband internet. While a large majority of households in the US have access to broadband internet (about 69% in 2018), [...]
IJIO Special issue on “Market Power and the Macroeconomy”
Guest editors: Christopher Conlon (NYU, Guest Editor) Alon Eizenberg (Hebrew-U, IJIO Coeditor) Paper submission deadline: December 31, 2024 The recent inflationary environment has brought about a lively debate concerning the relationship between the exercise of market power, on the one hand, and inflation on [...]
IJIO Special Issue on “Industrial Policy and Industrial Organization”
Guest editors: Johannes Van Biesebroeck (KU Leuven) Hongsong Zhang (University of Hong Kong) Paper submission deadline: Oct. 31, 2024 Industrial policies -- which we define as government interventions in specific industries that can have various objectives, such as stimulating technological innovation or promoting competitiveness -- [...]