
IJIO Research Summary – Behavior-Based Personalized Pricing: When Firms Can Share Customer Information

Advances in digital computing technologies have allowed firms access to a vast amount of consumer data at the granular level. Consumer data analyzed by powerful machine-learning tools can be a source of competitive advantage. One important way firms gather consumer data is through customers’ purchase [...]

By |October 31, 2023|IJIO|Comments Off on IJIO Research Summary – Behavior-Based Personalized Pricing: When Firms Can Share Customer Information

IJIO Research Summary – Market Dynamics and Investment in the Electricity Sector

Renewable electricity generation in the U.S. continues to grow, stimulated by favorable public policies and falling costs for renewables. However, the transition to a low-carbon electricity grid will not happen overnight. We are in the midst of a multi-decade transition toward a cleaner grid. During [...]

By |October 2, 2023|IJIO|Comments Off on IJIO Research Summary – Market Dynamics and Investment in the Electricity Sector

The IJIO Best Paper Award

The winners of the IJIO Best Paper Awards 2023 have been announced. The 2023 Award has two categories - Best Theory Paper and Best Empirical paper. Best Theory paper (published 2022) goes to Chongwoo Choe, Noriaki Matsushima and Mark J. Tremblay Best Empirical paper (published [...]

By |September 24, 2023|Awards|0 Comments

50th Year Best Paper Award Announced

In occasion of EARIE’s 50th Conference, which was held in Rome between August 24 and 26, EARIE announced the winner of the 50th Year Best Paper Award. Winner: The Award was given to Jean-François Fournel for this paper Electric Vehicle Subsidies: Cost-effectiveness and Emission Reduction.  [...]

By |August 26, 2023|Awards|Comments Off on 50th Year Best Paper Award Announced

IJIO Research Summary – Pharmaceuticals, Incremental Innovation and Market Exclusivity

Many accuse the pharmaceutical industry of “ever-greening” or extending patent protection by introducing new products that are slight improvements over older drugs. Others may argue that incremental innovation may provide important benefits to patients, as evidenced by the heat-stable version of antiretroviral drug, Norvir. We [...]

By |May 15, 2023|IJIO|Comments Off on IJIO Research Summary – Pharmaceuticals, Incremental Innovation and Market Exclusivity


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